GKD Metal Fabrics
May 16, 2001

Client: Designframe, Inc.
Visualization: John Balestrieri

John Balestrieri produced nearly 50 3d models and hundreds of renderings of the GKD product line of architectural metal fabrics. The models were meticulously composed based on product specs and measured components —each product was taken apart so that cable wrap frequency and component thickness could be measured to the micrometer.

Still images and QuickTime VR renderings were prepared for printed literature & web use. All models & renderings were created with a standard sample size and standardized light & camera set up.

You can visit GKD Metal Fabrics to view a sampling of the products John modeled & rendered.

John also wrote software to produce the stranded cable texture maps.

Site design: James Spahr/Designframe, Inc.
Visit www.gkdmetalfabrics.com to view the product model gallery.