Vision Research

Not just for games, SuperSpriteSurface is used by vision & perception researchers to precisely control of the timing of animated images. With SuperSpriteSurface, it is even possible to control the Vertical Blank Synchronization of the video image, eliminating page tearing between frames.

The first application to be featured is:

"I use SuperSpriteSurface for developing demonstrations of visual stimuli that are displayed during my lectures on visual perception. My students can directly experience how the visual system determines our interpretation of these stimuli. It would not have been possible to create accurate research-quality visual stimuli portraying motion or other temporal changes such as flicker using REALbasic alone. Only SuperSpriteSurface allowed me to avoid shearing effects and other imprecisions of animation timing that disrupted the moving stimulus. I highly recommend SuperSpriteSurface for vision scientists or educators teaching sensation and perception who are programming with REALbasic."

Scott B. Steinman, O.D., Ph.D., F.A.A.O.